Thursday, December 11, 2014


   I looked out my kitchen window yesterday
afternoon and noticed it was snowing. Over
the last 48 hours or so my window has offered
the most accurate weather forecast available!
   Meteorologists had been comparing the data
from several weather models to calculate the
impact of a "Nor'easter" in our area. Those
calculations resulted in closed schools and
businesses Tuesday even though the worst
most communities had to deal with was a steady
    I don't fault the forecasters. They're trying
to analyze scientific information from a
hundred sources, check ever changing wind
speeds and temperatures, and offer their best
opinions....usually with a "better safe than
sorry approach."
    That said, I can't help but think back to my
Mom who would look out the window and say
something like..."Those look like snow clouds."
Sure enough, later that day, it would snow!
     I even know a few folks who don't need
windows, let along "Euro Models or barometers!
When their back or feet ach they know it's going
to rain.
     I think what we need is a couple forecasters
with a window and a touch of Lumbago!
     Hope your weather is looking fine and that
all your NEWS is good!


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