Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Oh Say....Can You See?

    Don't bother to stand. This Blog's got
nothing to do with our National Anthem.
    I've been writing a lot about all the
great Christmas lighting I've seen around
our area lately. There are lights all over
the place.
    It's the lighting I don't see that has me
a bit rattled.
    Sunset around these parts in December
is about 4:30PM. Throw in some cloudy
skies and, fact is, is getting dark around
    But for some reason there seems to
be a significant number of drivers who
refuse to turn on their headlights until
the stars come out!
    Of course you don't notice them
right away. Not until they get really
   Sometimes, I suppose, it's because
they just drove away from a really
bright parking area and they just don't
realize they're not under those lights
any more.
   Some of these characters are probably
under the impression they're "using up"
their car's electricity by turning on the
   Whatever the reason I'm not big on cars,
especially black or very dirty ones, that
either appear out of no where or suddenly
show up right in front of me without
    Of course the other side of the coin
features those drivers who seem to love
their High Beams and hate to shut them
    Hope you light up the night before we
bump into each other...and that all your
NEWS is good!

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