Monday, September 28, 2015




      We lost one of our neighbors this
year. Oh, he's fine. He just sold his
home and moved away. I miss him.
He had a wonderful quality you
don't find in every neighbor. He
didn't like Pears!
       And yet, he had a Pear tree in
yard. He thought it was something
else when it was planted. So, the pears
it produced were available to us!
       Enter our new neighbors.
Unfortunately they like pears. Still, we
were told we were welcome to
a few for our own use. I suppose you'd
call that Sharecropping!
        I picked a few pair of pears
as the fruit ripened. Then, last week, our
new neighbors invited either family, or
friends.... or migrant workers, to have a
go at the tree. They swarmed round
the branches like bees around a hive and
pretty much gathered anything growing
below the eight foot mark. I think they
took down a couple branches in the
       The lower branches still hold a
few growths that claim to be pears. But
they're small and malformed. I'm fearful
they may actually be "Pods" like they
featured in the movie "Invasion Of The
Body Snatchers" so I'm going to let them
       There's still plenty of good pears on
the tree. But it looks like most of "my share"
are just out of reach! I'm sure I'll be able to
gather another half dozen or so using, of
course, by best ballet technique!
       About 80 more are scattered on
the ground. Since the neighbor's dog
uses that area for his daily needs I've
decided to let the Groundhog have
those. He's a fellow sharecropper!
       Hope there's some good Pears
at the market this week and that all
your NEWS is good!


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