Friday, October 20, 2017



      Halloween, like Christmas, is one of those
holidays that we begin to think about well
before the actual day!
      I mean, a lot of holidays, like Memorial
Day and President's Day don't get too much
of an advanced buildup.
     But when it comes to Halloween the
decorations, which have become quite
extensive, begin showing up right around
Labor Day.
     All those "Haunted Houses" and
Hayrides have been up and running
since the beginning of the month too.
     Zombies and Ghosts are running
amok on a lot of the TV channels and
will be through October 31st.
      My wife even put up a scare crow
right outside our front porch. That move
has me really puzzled as she hung the
scare crow on our bird feeder!
      You've got to wonder what the
birds we've been trying to lure to
that perch are thinking right about now!
      My mom used to love Halloween.
      We would always have a party at
our house highlighted by a "lights out"
story about a murdered man whose
body was dismembered by the
killer. The guests, my friends. would
have to sit round the table and pass
the victim's eyes (grapes) and
brains (cauliflower) and other items
from person to person. Mom would
do the narration and really got into
     She was very effective! In fact I
can remember skipping a turn or two
even though I knew what she was
actually handing out!
     Guess I'm just a push over.
     In fact today I nearly questioned a
guy standing outside my house...till
I realized it was the scarecrow.
      Hope you're stocking up with
candy for the big night and that..
till then...all your NEWS is good!

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