the Orlando, Florida area. But it's not the only one.
Friends and family told us about a place called
"Downtown Disney" so we decided to give it a
try on our latest vacation trip.
It has all kinds of shops and "neat things."
When we came in, for instance, a band of young,
that is a musical band literally, people was about
to offer a fee concert.
They sounded great. But they may have been
just a little loud. I heard someone say
something about being "on the air."
As a veteran broadcaster I thought that would
be neat.
But the phrase was actually...."in the air."
Next thing I knew I was boarding a huge
balloon with a half dozen other people to
begin our assent some 100 feet over this unique
This wasn't one of those units with a gas
burner creating lift by heating the air inside
the balloon!
This "aircraft" was filled with helium. They
told us is was just like those balloons you get
for a kid's birthday party.....but a heck of a lot
bigger! It was tethered by a thick steel cable
which could hold it, to an extent, and by which
it could be reeled back to earth.
Since the winds were pretty strong I was
very pleased to have the cable attached!
We wondered, should it break, where and
how we might come down.
The answer wasn't encouraging. We were
told it would not be the lake under the
And, even if it was, I spotted a "creature"
there ....and I wasn't sure it was friendly!
In the end our flight was successful
and I'm, once again, on earth!
Hope your feet are on the ground and
that all your NEWS is good!
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