"Name Tag Day!"
I think it's about time these little
stick on identification labels got some
They've saved, or at least helped, me
on a number of occasions.
School reunions are a prime example!
I had about 450 people in my
graduating class. A fair number of them
got to see me every day in the 5 years
between reunions when I was a TV
news reporter.
I, on the other hand, only got to see
them once every five years! And, in case
you hadn't noticed, people can change
a lot in 5 years!
Name Tags, as we've come to know
them, really aren't very old.
Those "Hello My Name Is" stickers
were first introduced by the Avery
Company in the 1960's. The Company
makes all kinds of adhesive products
and has 36,000 workers world wide.
And I'll bet they all have to wear
name tags!
Of course March 5th is also "Multiple
Personalities Day' which could, I suppose,
cause some conflict with National Name
Tag Day.
I guess if you see the same person sporting
several different Name Tags today you may
assume he, or she, is celebrating both of
these 'unusual holidays!'
I don't know who came up with "National
Name Tag Day" or "Multiple Personalities
Day." And if whoever did was wearing a
name tag how would we know which
personality it was representing?
Since you're reading this I figure you
probably know who I am.
I only hope you also know who you are
and that all your NEWS is good!
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