has been going through my mind a lot over the past
few days.
I got a call from one of my doctors the other day.
Usually I have to call them.
He wanted to let me know that one of the readings
from my last blood test was a little higher than
usual, so he wanted me to be re-tested.
But here's the thing.
The blood test in question was taken in October!
Now before you go asking why did he wait till
March....remember I said he called "the other day."
And that was still February!
That said, I was kind of wondering how come it
took 4 months to note the results of that test.
I had been under the impression the Post
Office did away with the Pony Express in 1861.
And even if there was a horse involved the
results only had to go from Forty Fort to
If it was a horse it was probably the same one
I bet on one time at Pocono Downs!
I know there have been a lot of cut backs in
the Postal Service.
But my mail deliveries always seem to be
on time.
As a matter of fact it only took two days for the
doctor's prescription for a new blood test to get
to my mailbox.
And aren't medical records sent electronically
these days?
Maybe a sunspot jammed the transmission.
Or maybe somebody hacked my report and
added a couple of numbers just for fun.
Or maybe....just maybe....somebody actually
finally took a couple of minutes to check my
I guess I should just be glad it wasn't a
bullet hole that just showed up!
And, who knows, maybe the bill for all
these tests will be late too!
Hope you're feeling fine and that all your
NEWS is good!

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