day for celebration!
Well, chances are, you're HALF right!
Yes, it is Saint Patrick's Day.
You don't have to look very far to see
Irish flags or green banners hung out to
mark the occasion.
There are 4 leaf clovers and images
of leprechauns posted on the windows of
houses and stores wherever you go.
The Big Saint Patrick's Parade in
Scranton has already marched into history.
But the green lines still mark the route
through the city. Other parades are
scheduled for today.
But how many people have noticed
that today is my HALF Birthday!
See, here's how it works. My actual
birthday is on September 17th. So, six
months after that is March 17th, which
happens to be Saint Patrick's Day.
Ask a little kid how old he or she is
and you'll often get an answer like..."I'm
4 and a half."
So I'm thinking....why should the kids
have all the fun? And what's a half year
among friends?
So while a majority of celebrants
will be "wearing the green" today maybe
I'll have a slice of cake. Or, maybe, a half
a slice!
After all, I'm 69 and a half today!!!!!!
Hope you're always looking for a
reason to celebrate.....and that all of your
NEWS is good!

(Half a Birthday Cake)
I LOVE birthday cake....I'm going to celebrate my 1/2 birthday each year too! ;-) Great post!