working with two experts in search of
The effort has involved time, travel,
and testing.
It has also involved a few bumps and
bruises! That was the price occasionally
paid by the testers.
This blog will serve as the first
published results of our survey. I should
point out, however, that the testing is
far from being completed.
What's that? Oh, yes, you're wondering
what we're testing.
Well, since last April, my grand daughter,
grandson, and I have been reviewing area
It's really been an interesting experience.
The kids, aged 8 and 10, have done all
the hard work. Climbing ladders and
Monkey Bars, checking the swings, and
looking for anything that added to the
fun factor!
We actually had a check list on which
the kids had to rate items like swings,
sliding boards, rock walls, and such.
I transcribed the results and handled
the driving. The actual testing seemed a
little too dangerous for me!
On occasion I provided "push power"
for the swings, or played a "troll" attempting
to catch those running above me on those
walkways that run from one slide to
another .I could never catch anybody!!!!!
Anything beyond that was above my pay
grade for these attractions.
Interestingly their two favorites at this
point are playgrounds that really reflect
the communities in which they're located.
This one, in Scranton's Nay Aug Park

was built by community volunteers with
a lot of donated time and materials.
Their latest favorite is located in
Covenington Township near the borough
of Moscow in Lackawanna County.

It's just behind the Township Municipal
Building which is housed in a mansion
that was once home to the family that owned
the Moffat Coal Company.
I know this "research" may not be as
impressive as some studies you have seen.
But, as a Grandpa, I'm as proud of the
kids as those guys who worked on the
"Manhattan Project" must have been!
Hope you have a "blast" with your kids
and grand kids, and that all your NEWS
is good!

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