Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tang and Biscuits!

    To some , the title of today's essay might suggest
some sort of breakfast featuring an orange juice
substitute made popular by NASA and a tasty flour
based baked product enhanced by the application of
    Sorry Charlie.
    There's no breakfast tale here.
    It is, rather, a commentary on a heated athletic
competition I witnessed yesterday! You're not
likely to see anything like it on ESPN!
    My wife and 4 of our best friends alternated on
teams locked in combat for several exciting rounds
    I, wisely I thought, choose to document the play
through photography.
    The "Tang" I referred to in the title of this
narrative is the name of the long stick that's used
to push the "Biscuit", a small weighted disk,into
a triangular scoring zone at the far end of the
shuffleboard court!
     The history of the game is pretty much unknown
although there are records of it being played by King
Henry VIII in 1532!
     After hearing my friends exchange comments
and "looks" to one another as the game continued
I began to wonder if King Henry had played
shuffleboard with any of his wives prior to their
departure from the throne?
     But, win or lose, all of the players came away
from the game just as they had started.....as old
    Given the fact that Shuffleboard has extremely
low physical requirements and is usually played
on cruise ships and in retirement homes the
term "old" seems especially appropriate!
     I'm not confident any of them will make the
"Shuffleboard Hall Of Fame which, by the way,
opened in 1995.  But I'm thinking......Friends
that play together....stay together!"
     Hope your biscuit slides just where you want
it and that all your NEWS is good!


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