Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Walk In The Park (NOT!!!!!)

   I wasn't quite sure what all the fuss was about.
   Somebody said a guy named Nik Wallenda was
going to take a walk from the U.S. into Canada at
Niagara Falls.
   They said it was like walking the length of four
football fields.
   I didn't think the "Rainbow Bridge" was that long.
  And, after all, I walk about 2 miles most mornings!
  Then I remember the name "Wallenda" and
realized he wasn't using a bridge!
   He was walking a tightrope right OVER Niagara
   My wife and I have visited the falls several times.
   But in 1969 we were there when the American
Falls was "turned off!" The water had been diverted
to the Canadian falls while a survey team was doing
research into the erosion the water is causing to the
river bed at the drop off.
     Usually you see tons of water. What we saw was
bounders the size of huge buildings. They're the kind
of obstacles anything going over the falls would hit!
      The Wallenda family has a long history of
"circus" high wire acts. And that history has its
share of tragedy and deaths!
       I guess that's why we were glued to the TV as
this 33-year-old Wallenda pulled off the stunt and
amazed us with his confidence and constant
prayers along the way!
      We couldn't  resist snapping some photos of
our television as he made the walk!
       Now, to be clear, I usually use the sidewalk
for my walks. But I have no safety harness
what-so-ever! No applause please....I'm too modest!
       Hope you're watching your step and that all
your NEWS is good!

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