16 months ago was to name it!
Since I had recently been retired from more
that 50 years in news broadcasting I wanted to
steer clear of commentary relating to the daily
"news beat."
The old saying..."No news is good news"
immediately popped into my mind so I claimed
it as my title. I added the question mark, however,
to allow my readers to decide whether my
essays should or might occasionally be
considered news worthy.
Little did I know there was actually an
unofficial holiday called "No news is good
news day!"
It's kind of ironic it falls on September 11th
given the fact that one of the biggest news events
in the history of our nation is remembered on
the same date!
The idea behind this "holiday" is simple!
Stay away from all the traditional news
sources. Radio, television, and newspapers.
That way you won't hear, or see, or read about
all the "bad news" they deliver on a daily basis!
Of course it doesn't mean the "bad news" will
actually go away. It just means you won't know
about it.
Back in the days when I was News Director
at WILK Radio we experimented with one
newscast that was devoted strictly to "good news."
It didn't work out very well.
While people enjoyed hearing some "positive"
stories, they didn't want to miss information
about a big local fire, or scandal, or government
decisions about their taxes or whatever.
The problem with news today, in my opinion,
is that it is far harder to come by on a local
basis in an objective presentation.
Few area radio stations offer local news these
There are more regional TV newscasts than
ever. But they're all coming from two originating
Area residents are still fortunate to have some
newspaper competition. But fewer people are
reading newspapers these days.
Then there are the "Talk Shows!"
I did one of those a few years back.
But, back then, the hosts didn't give their
opinion. The job was to come up with the
subject or subjects then get the listeners to call
in with their thoughts on the issues.
Now most of the hosts seem to be dedicated
to making sure their opinion is heard. They
welcome and coddle those who agree and are
short and often sarcastic with anyone who
Oh...they'll tell you how they extend
invitations to those of opposing political views.
But, let's face it, accepting such an invitation
would be like a hunter agreeing to have coffee
with the leader of an Animal rights organization!
Anyhow....like it or not.....this is "No News
Is Good News Day"......and have I got Good
News for you!!!!!!
Hope all your NEWS is good!

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