I don't know about you but I've got medicine I'm
suppose to take every day.
Some folks have little Pill Cases where they carry
and store their daily or weekly supply.
I have four pills I take daily. Two in the morning
and two at bed time. My two other "daily"
prescriptions are inhalers so I can't mix them up
with pills. It's hard to swallow an inhaler!
I know just what each of those pills looks like
(although they do change the delivery style from
time to time).
I even know what each is for....in a general
sort of way.
But if you looked at any particular pill and asked
me to name the chemical I'd be in trouble.
That's why I get a little nervous when I visit any
one of the doctors on my list and hear his
receptionist say....."We have a new computer
system and need you to fill out some papers!"
That happened to me during one of my annual
visits yesterday.
Among other things, and we'll discuss them too,
there are 12 lines on which I'm suppose to write
down the names of my medicines and the amount
I'm suppose to be taking each day!
You would think the amount would be easy.
You know....."one of these each day and one of
those." But No! They want the milligrams of
My memory isn't all that great and chemical
compounds aren't on top of my memory list!
Fortunately, after a similar "new computer
incident" a few years ago I have started carrying
a printed list I can pull out to copy.
Of course one or two of the medicines were
actually prescribed by the doctor I'm visiting
so you might think they would, at least, already
know about those.
But put all that aside for a moment. After all
I understand it might be useful for a physician to
look at a list of all my medicines to make sure
one isn't countering the effects of another or,
to make sure another doctor hasn't added something
new to the mix.
But what about some of the other questions?
"Are you Hispanic or Other?"
That one was followed by a page full of options
you were to circle starting with "Do You Smoke"
and covering everything from your sleep pattern
to your occupation.
Since I'm technically "retired" I'm not sure I
was allowed to get medical attention there!
I was surprised there wasn't any inquiry about
recent movies I had seen!
I had a lot to fill out since I had a recent
hospital visit to report!
By the time I was finished I thought I might
need additional treatment for writer's cramp!
But that probably would have required a
separate visit to a specialist and, most likely,
another form to fill out!
A short time later I actually got to see the
doctor who shook my hand and asked "How are
you doing?" Guess he hadn't had time to
look over the new information form!
I told him I was fine. He concurred and I
was on my way..
I could have used some sugar about them
but my next stop was at my Dentist and I
figured he wouldn't want that!
Luckily he doesn't have a new computer
system (yet) so I was good to go with all of
my "old" medical data!
So that's the story. Now it's just about time
to take two of my pills. You know the.....
Dexa...whatever thing and the little small
white one.
I'd tell you what they're called but I'd
have to search my crowded wallet for my
printed sheet because I can't remember
exactly where I stuck it in there!
Hope it's not lost. But, if it is, I know
where I can get a copy from a brand new
computer system!
Hope you''re taking all your medicine
and that all your NEWS is good!

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