Carrier Day! (Of course it's also observed
on 4 other dates!)
It's a day set aside to honor everyone
who is or ever was a newspaper carrier!
My son was a carrier and, on occasion,
I was his assistant!
I remember getting up early with him
on some of those stormy winter mornings
to run his route in my 4 wheel drive so
we would be sure everyone got his or her
paper and he, my son, would get home
You've got to give these guys, and
gals, credit.
They pretty much do the same job as
the Postman, you know "Neither snow nor
rain nor gloom of night", but usually don't
get the same recognition.
Bicycles won't cut it in most areas
these days and you've got to pedal a
lot of papers to fill a gas tank!
Carriers may also be a dying breed!
A lot of newspapers have folded and
the trend seems to be heading into
electronic journalism.
And who wants to throw a laptop onto
some body's front porch?!
Most carriers don't shout out "Extra",
or yell the headline nowadays. But that's
just as well around our place since the
delivery guy usually shows up around
Anyway if you're sitting around the
table with your coffee and bagel, reading
the morning paper, give some thought to
the carrier who got it to you...whatever
the weather!
Hope your subscription is up to
date and that all your NEWS is good!

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