Monday, September 10, 2012

A Stitch In Time!

  It was a "stitch in time" that, years ago, saved
our area!
  That "stitch" was provided by the sewing
machine! The key tool of the Garment industry.
   A heck of a lot of gals from our area helped put
bread on the family table.Both as a housewife and
a member of the ILGWU! 
   And today, September 10th, is Sewing Machine
Day!  Of course it's also celebrated on June 13th.
(Although I'm not absoutely sure how we're
suppose to "celebrate" the day!) 
   There was a time when you'd probably find a
sewing machine in nearly every home. They're
harder to find these days.....nearly as rare as the
people who know who to use them!
    We have two!
    My wife knows how to use them (and does
quite often!)
    I don't. And that's probably a pretty good
   Regular readers know I'm not great with
mechinical devices!
   I do know they cause electrical
interference on the TV when my wife is sewing.
   Seems  sewing machines were actually
invented in France. And that was way back
in the 1830's!
   The U.S. patent was issued on September
10th in 1846.....hence today's designation as
Sewing Machine Day!
    When you think of sewing machines, if
you ever have such thoughts, you probably
think of the name Singer. The company is
still making the things at its factory near
Nashville, Tennessee.
    The early sewing machines were powered by
foot pedals. That was kind of neat because
you could mend clothes and get some
exercise at the same time.
    Come to think of it you could lose weight,
while adjusting your wardrobe for your new
look! Talk about a "win-win" situation!
    Anyhow it's really good to know sewing
machines are still around because "a stitch
in time saves nine!"
    Nine what?  I'm not sure!
    Hope you know and that all your NEWS
is good!



1 comment:

  1. The nine saved refers to stitches. The thought being that a small tear can be repaired with a single stitch; whereas an ignored rip will get larger and require nine.

    My Mother-in-law had a treadle sewing machine which she used almost daily. She also had an electric machine which collected dust because it was too slow. It was amazing how fast those treadle machines could sew.
