I was back in the cheering section yesterday!
First to support my grand daughter's soccer
team then, later, to root for my grandson's
football squad!
It's amazing how similar and yet so different
those two games are!
Both use a long playing field. And the object
of both is to get a ball either into a goal or across
a Goal line!
If you do it in football you get 6 points.
If you do it in soccer you only get 1!
Of course if you kick the ball over the
Goal (Posts) in football you get the so-called
"extra point."
You have to kick the ball into the goal in
soccer so in that respect I guess they're the
In both sports one team kicks off to another
But in football the receiving team catches
the ball and runs with it.
In soccer you're not allowed to touch the ball
(unless you're the goalie which kind of makes
soccer like hockey I guess)!
Both sports have referees and, as all of us in
the cheering section can tell you, all of those
officials miss important calls and make mistakes
on the calls they do make. Coincidentally, all of
those "mistakes" are to the detriment of the
team for which we're cheering!
Our cheering lead my grand daughter's
soccer team to it's 5th consecutive victory.
It fell a little short at my grandson's
football game as it lost by just 37 points.
That, of course, would not have looked
as bad had they been using soccer's scoring
system! It might have helped to have a
soccer goalie there too!
Well, like they say, you win some, you
lose some and some get rained out.
Where was that rain when we needed it?
Hope you know the score and that all
your NEWS is good!
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