You are probably not going to believe this!
I did not win the Power Ball lottery drawing
last night! No.....I'm not kidding. It's true.
I wonder if they give anything for not having
any of the numbers drawn? That would still have
me in the running!
Ironically, had I actually picked the numbers I
wanted instead of allowing the computer to do it
I would have had 3 correct numbers!
None of them, that I would have picked, were
the Powerball so, if I understand how it works
correctly, I would have won $7 for a net profit
of five bucks!
And that's only $579,900,095 less than the
Jackpot! Wow! How could I have come so close
and still lose?
I'm thinking maybe it was a faulty computer
(the one that picked my numbers).
Maybe I should have spoken up and told the
clerk I wanted to pick my own!
Wait till he finds out he lost a big tip!
You know....20% of $5.00 is a dollar!
He could have bought one of those scratch
off cards for that!
Then he might have won a thousand dollars!
I wonder if he would have given me a tip?
So many "would have," "could have." things
involved with this.
I just bought my ticket Wednesday morning.
Fortunately I didn't have a lot of time to
plan how I'd spend the money.
I do know it would have been the biggest
stimulus to the economy since the Government
But, since I didn't win I must assume YOU
Hope you'll remember me and that all your
NEWS is good!
If I had played, I play the same numbers, I would have had two... in my radio daze I read the winning numbers during morning drive. Always thought if I read my numbers, and I hadn't played I would have had a heart attack on the air. lol Never did, never won either. Gotta play to win?