By the time most of you read this I will
have been run out of town on a rail!
Actually, there's two rails. They form
railroad tracks!
No I didn't do anything wrong (that I
know of). My wife and I are hosting a nice
group of people on a Rail tour into Canada.
We're heading out n Amtrak...and
hoping it's a better train than the one we
boarded for California a few years back.
An axle broke on that one and between
getting a crew and equipment to us and a
union "change of shift", we sat on a
siding for about 9 hours wondering in the
food in the Dining Car would last till we
were "rescued."
This trip will be somewhat of a challenge
even though we've made many before. This
time we'll be both Hosts and the Tour
Directors which means we've got some
work to do during the trip.
My first effort along those lines was a
call to the first hotel where our tour
group will be staying.
The gentleman at the Hotel Desk answered
the phone and said a few things before I could
say anything. When he stopped talking I
paused for a moment .....then said...."Does
anyone there speak English?"
Luckily he did! You see the hotel is in
Montreal and French is a prime language
To get ourselves ready my wife and I
watched a French movie the other night
so we could see the sub titles and, perhaps,
pick up a word here or there. We may be in
trouble! Sacrebleu!!!!!!!!
Anyhow our thanks to my daughter
grand kids and our good buddy "Sam" for
watching the place while we hob nob with
some of our neighbors to the north!
Blog postings may be a little disorganized
during this trip, depending on what's allowed
to cross the border! I'll catch you whenever
I can!
Remember "The Maple Leaf Forever" and
may all of your News be good......EH?

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