I am oh so hoping you understand the
title I've attached to today's Blog!
It went right over the head of the young
lady in the ticket booth at Cinemark
when I bought tickets to see "The Butler"
Just in case she's reading this, if she
reads, there's an old joke about murder
mystery novels that points to the Butler
as a prime suspect because.....well....the
Butler did it in a lot of those stories!
The movie isn't a murder mystery. It's
about the life of a White House Butler
who served 8 Presidents over three
He's an Black man who watches
the country evolve through the Civil
Rights era as a succession of Chief
Executives tries to deal with those
My wife overheard two older women
leaving the theater who seemed worried
the film would reignite racial problems.
I think those two gals already have some
Of course the movie has already been
at the center of one controversy. A theater
owner in Kentucky is refusing to show it!
It's got nothing to do with racial
tensions. He's upset because Jane Fonda
has a part and he, a Viet Nam veteran,
wants nothing to do with her since she
showed support for the Viet Cong during
the war.
Ironically her roll, fairly small at that,
was pretty well done. She portrayed Nancy
Too bad he couldn't cut that footage
out. People deserve to be reminded about
the things the country went through during
the days of the Freedom Riders, Black
Panthers, and School intergration movement.
It's got some big names in the cast, besides
Fonda. But you've got to know at least a little
bit of history to recognize the person they're
Robin Williams, for instance, is suppose
to be President Dwight David Eisenhower.
He looks more like Harry Truman!
The story held our interest and the popcorn
tasted just fine. And since it's "his story" I'm
really not giving anything away by telling
you....The Butler did it!
Hope you'll get to see it and that all your
NEWS is good!

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