I've already written about our wonderful
Saturday drive.
I failed to tell you it could have been a
lot longer......but I stopped to get gas.
It was at a Mobil station just off the
Wilkes-Barre exit of the Pennsylvania
I was surprised to see a line of cars
waiting to fill up. The price wasn't all that
great. In fact it was a couple cents per
gallon higher than other stations within a
five miles or so.
I could account for some of the crowd
because the annual Pocono Drag Lodge
Reunion was taking place nearby.
Still, it seemed to be taking the tiny
KIA in front of me a very long time to
fill a fairly small tank.
When my turn came around I marveled
at the high tech pump that must be of
fairly recent vintage. It had a shiny new
keyboard and even a small TV monitor
that was showing and reshowing a clip
from the Jay Leno program.
Maybe customers were pausing to
watch the video?
Then I started to pump my gas.
This was the slowest "gun" (gas pump)
I've ever seen in my life! It almost seemed
like the pump was reluctant to give up it's
supply of gasoline!
"How slow was it"...you might ask.
It was so slow that if I had left my motor
running I think I would have run out of gas
by the time I filled my tank! (Think about
To add insult to injury I pressed the
button asking for a receipt. This brand new
gas pump, like many others, is suppose to
print it out right from a slot on the front
of the unit. Instead, my Leno video, turned
into a prompt to "See the clerk for your
Now I had to go into the store (why do
I feel that's an intentional thing) to get a
slip of paper that should have been in my
hands seconds after I gassed up.
Of course to get the receipt from the
clerk you have to wait in another line!
The clerk related some story about how
the manager says the paper roll inside the
pumps often sticks during the morning
hours. I didn't want to embarrass her by
pointing out it was already afternoon.
She was also quick to add that the
manager was the only person who could
fix the problem. He of course, wasn't around.
My tank finally filled and receipt in
hand I headed out on the road...thankful
I wasn't a NASCAR driver who had just
pulled into the pit for fuel and a tire
change! I would not only have lost the
race....I would have missed the season!!!!
Hope your tank is full and your NEWS
is good!
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