Friday, May 30, 2014

A Little Shrimp!

   My wife got a little Shrimp yesterday.
   But she's not eating it. She's feeding it!
Sort of!
   More specifically she's hoping it's feeding
    This particular Shrimp is a Japanese
Algae Eater.
    He, or she, has been added to my wife's
aquarium in an attempt to keep the tank
    And he, or she, is not going it alone.
    A snail has also been introduced to
the mix in the hope he'll team up with the
shrimp to eat the algae that forms on the
bottom of the tank over time.
    I've been watching the shrimp as it
swims among my wife's fish trying to get
used to its new environment.
    The species seem to be getting along
pretty well so far.
    The snail, on the other hand, hasn't
impressed me! If it's moving I can't tell.
Then again, snails are not know for their
     The next question we'll need answered
is whether our grandson will still be
allowed to visit us.
      He's allergic to shrimp.
      We'll keep the Benadryl handy just in
      For now though the shrimp and the snail
become two more of my wife's aquatic pets.
      The shrimp will be called "Scampi."
      I plan to call the sail "Escargot."
      That way if they don't eat the algae,
they'll become fair game!
      Hope the don't make our menu and
that all your NEWS is good.

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