They just don't make monsters like
they used too!
When I was a kid the black and
white versions of Frankenstein,
Dracula, and the Wolfman could
easily leave me with bad dreams.
Yesterday I had way too much
time on my hands. I decided to go
the movies.
Since my wife was busy and
couldn't come along,I skipped all
the movies I knew she might want
to see so we could catch them
together on a future visit.
That left "Godzilla!"
The newest version of this
"Atomic Age" monster nearly gave
me bad dreams like those old
movies. But those dreams nearly
came as I sat in the theater, not
quite following the complicated
story line which had me nearly
dozing two or three times!
Fortunately, or not, a gentleman
sitting two rows ahead and some 20
seats to my right elected to explain
many of the scenes to the young man
sitting by his side thereby bringing
me back to consciousness.
The "Godzilla" style monsters
were all created during the hay day
of the Atomic Bomb when everybody
was convinced that radiation might
create anything from giant tomatoes
to giant ants! It did both. But only in
the movies.
We haven't seen many of this type
since the major powers stopped nuclear
testing. Maybe somebody pulled off a
test we haven't heard about. Perhaps
North Korean?
After seeing Godzilla I have become
a major supporter of the Nuclear Test
Ban Treaties.
Spoiler Alert!!!!
There are several huge monsters on
the movie. I'm wondering if a couple of
them evolved from those Rock creatures
that showed up in "Noah?" Either that
or, perhaps, some left over creatures
from the Transformers series
Where's Count Dracula when you
need him?
Hope you see the movie, get some
sleep, and that all your NEWS is good!

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