OK gang. If you haven't made your bed yet
If you have, tear it apart again and grab your
If you read this Blog on any sort of regular
basis you know I love to search out bizarre
and little know "holidays." Well, I think I
just hit the Jackpot!!!!
Today is "Put A Pillow On Your Fridge
Day!" I kid you not!
While the exact origins are unknown
the idea is to put a pillow on your
refrigerator. And people in the US and
Europe do it! Well....some people do!
Why? Well it's suppose to bring good
luck and maybe even wealth to your
household! And who couldn't use a little
of either!
So, just in case you didn't pick the
right numbers in last night's Powerball,
you still have a chance to throw your
pillow atop your Frigidaire and hope it
brings you good luck in time for Saturday's
By the way, if you'd prefer, you can
put your pillow inside your refrigerator.
I'd take it out a few hours before bedtime
if you go that route!
So give it a shot. Celebrate! What have
you got to lose?
Hope you're "cool" with this unusual
"holiday" and that all your NEWS is good!

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