Those of you still in school should
probably have thought about bringing
an apple to your teacher today.
Just in case you didn't know this is
"National Teacher's Day!"
It's always observed on the first
Tuesday of the first full week in May.
I had to find out on line. Nobody
ever taught me that!
I don't think I ever really appreciated
the job teachers do until I started doing
some teaching myself.
In years gone by I was invited to
teach some broadcasting related classes.
First at Wilkes and later at King's.
Since I never went to college it was
kind of neat to be able to say I taught in
two of them!
Teaching runs in my family. My
Grandmother taught in a one room
school house. My late brother taught
University level math and computer
science. My daughter deals with a herd
of first graders every day. I even have
a nephew-in-law who travels miles
each day to share his knowledge with
a classroom full of kids!
I might have gone into the field as a
profession too ...were it not for the idea of
having to stay in school myself!
You've got to remember that the
education field runs in cycles.
First there's a need for teachers so
everybody tries to become one. Then
there are too many so people turn to
other occupations.
We were on the last cycle when I
was going to school. All but about two
of my teachers were just a couple years
away from retirement... or nearing death.
But I had some good teachers.
My Italian teacher, for instance,
allowed me to sit in the first seat in the
first that I could leave as
quickly as possible!
I had a math teacher who taught
me the word "tardy." I was never late
for his class. But he used the word
all the time! Fellow students
suggested he had picked it up after an
nervous breakdown caused by some
kids he taught in previous years.
I liked all of the teachers who let
me leave class early to do my work on
the Stage Crew!
So let's all take a moment today
to thank those who taught us our
ABC's or Quantum Physics or anything
in between. Maybe even Broadcasting!
Hope you had a good teacher or two
and that all your NEWS is good!

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