Saturday, September 2, 2017



    I decided to take my wife out
for breakfast Saturday morning. We
actually almost made it to a diner
about a mile from the house when I
wondered, out loud, if it might just
be warm enough to get my Miata, put
the top down, and make it a brunch run
somewhere out of town instead.
    When my wife nodded her approval
we did a 180, headed back to the
house and traded her compact for my
    The Penn State game was on the
radio so we realized our cruise would
also be a bit of a race with the rain from
Harvey that was already hitting State College.
    We figured heading east would give
us the most rain free ride so we
headed to an old stomping ground,
Kundla's Bar BQ in Hamlin.
    An order of chicken and ribs
complimented with a couple ears of
corn and some French fries proved a
most satisfactory substitute for that
breakfast we had envisioned. And the
top down ride was a great reminder
that some of our most enjoyable
trips have been during those weeks
when the first signs of color show up
in the trees along our way!
     Alas the first raindrops from
Harvey caught up with us as we were
headed home. But the great thing about
a convertible is the top goes up as
well as down!
     So with the better part of the
day, and Harvey. behind us, we got
back just in time to stop for
desert at the ice cream stand!
      Hope we'll get out a few
more times before the colors begin
to peak and that all your NEWS is


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