Sunday, May 27, 2012

Holiday "Road Blocks!"

    I got stopped in traffic again as we headed out for
the first of  Memorial Day's three-day weekend.
    But this time I can't blame PennDot.
    It was my old nemesis.....the "Holiday Coin Drop!"
    We hit two along our 25 mile route.
    Good thing I took the"back roads!"
    I've blogged about these "boot" or "basket" or
"bucket drops" before. I didn't much like them then.
    That hasn't changed!
    Don't get me wrong. I have yet to see one of the
organizations involved that wasn't representing a
good cause.
    In fact I've donated to most of them through mail
solicitations or at specific events. I've even ignored
my own dislike and dropped some change in their
containers on occasion.
    But that hasn't changed my feelings about these
highway "roadblocks!"
    First, they're dangerous! Especially when kids,
like Little Leaguers, are the ones standing literally
in the center of the highway, then dashing from car
to car when the vehicles happen to be stopped for
a red light or a Stop sign
   Second they are intimidating! You feel bad when
you aren't in a position to give something or when
the collector in the north lane gives you the "evil
eye" as you pass....even though you donated in
the south lane just a half hour before when you
were headed in that direction.
    Fire companies are notorious for conducting
these highway fund raisers around the holidays.
    And, again, I believe they deserve our support.
    I donate in the Township where I live and in
the one where we have a summer camper. These
volunteer companies do need all the help they
can get.
    I just wish they wouldn't get it in the middle
of an intersection!
   The Federal Emergency Management Agency
just allocated eight million dollars to the
Scranton Fire Department which will allow the
City to open some closed fire houses and
rehire a number of firefighters who were laid
off because city taxpayers couldn't afford
the costs involved.
     I'm wondering how many
Volunteer departments could be assisted if an
additional eight million went to them?
    They'd have to divide it of course. But even
divided a lot of companies could get or
maintain a lot of equipment with their share of
eight million dollars!
    Maybe they should think about holding out
their boots to FEMA?
    With that kind of help they could go back to
being firefighters rather than "Highwaymen!"
    Hope you're supporting the good causes, in
a proper and safe way,and that all your NEWS
is good!

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