unusual "holidays" most of us know nothing
But this particular day is not to be celebrated.
It is a memorial day.
It is,in fact, "Lost Sock Memorial Day."
And it comes right on time!
Just yesterday I was putting some laundry
away when I noticed one lone white sock
among several dark dress socks in the drawer.
I thought the matching white one had
inadvertently been placed under the black and
blue ones. But, alas, it was not to be found.
I gave some thought to discarding the
the lone white one. But the folks at
holidayinsights.com, where I discovered
this unique holiday, point out there's always
a chance the missing sock may turn up!
They suggest you "observe" the day by
conducting a search for your missing
sock...or socks. I've decided to wait until
it finds me!
The web site tries to track down the
source of these unusual "holidays" when ever
possible. But, believe it or not, no one has
claimed credit for "Lost Sock Memorial
But even if we did know, how would we
honor him, or her?
Maybe a statue!
It would, of course, be full sized and feature
one covered and one bare foot!
Here's hoping all of your socks are
together and that all of your NEWS is
Hey, that looks like the one I'm missing!