Friday, May 11, 2012

Mad Dogs and Englishmen

     If we're to believe the old proverb
"Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in
the Noonday sun," I've got to believe
one of our new neighbors is British!
    The guy spent a lot of time in his
back yard recently....building a pen!
    Shortly after it was completed it
became home to a pair of small
hound dogs. A third is chained a few
feet away while a forth a puppy of
unknown bred, is suppose to be on
a leash in the same small yard.
     I don't know if they're suppose to
be "alarm dogs" or not. But their loud
barks and howls are certainly
alarming to all of us who live nearby
when anyone walks anywhere close
to the yard.
     I never wanted a dog.
     We like to travel a lot and I was
never interested in cleaning up after
     The "non beagle" has reminded
me of the latter concern as he
frequently slips his leash somehow
and visits neighboring yards...including
      Too bad they don't market
"Invisible Fences" for neighbors!
      I see a lot of Facebook
messages from people who love
animals. I think it's nice to have a're willing to do what
it takes to care for one.
      I like horses....But I don't have one!
      I'm also inclined to think when
there's as many pets as people in a
house....there may be a problem. Of
course that theory does not apply if
we're talking about fish.
     Maybe the neighbor's "herd" of
beagles will get used to the people
walking by and will stop the barks
and howls.
      If not, I may have to dig out an
old amp and speaker system and
answer their "calls" with a particular
Elvis record I'm thinking about!
      Hope your pets are quiet, your
yard is clean, and that all your NEWS
is good!


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