Wednesday, December 5, 2012


   I see them on TV all the time!
   Appeals to "adopt" children in foreign
   Appeals to adopt cats.
   Appeals to adopt dogs.
   Now I'm thinking that may be the solution
to one of my pet peeves!
   I have, on at least 5 occasions, written about
people who take a shopping cart into a store,
fill it will merchandise, return to their car,
unload the cart, then let it sit as they drive
   Nobody expects them to take the cart back to
the store. But there's usually a shopping cart
return spot within ten yards of nearly every
parking spot.
   If they were playing football they'd be
fighting their way through 300 pound linemen
to go that far!
   The other day I personally pulled two shopping
carts out of the front of my intended parking
space and rolled each into the return lane set
up in the spot right next to me!
    While there I straightened a half dozen others
that were clogging the entrance of that cart return
lane. I'm surprised nobody stopped to ask me
where they'd find a particular product in the
store. Come to think of it I'm surprised at myself
for not drawing up a time card and punching in!
    When leaving, and at the very end of the
parking lot, I spotted several carts that had been
left or rolled to the very perimeter of the store's
     So here's my idea!
     You adopt your very own cart which you can
either leave at the store (in a proper space) or tow
to your home!
     Why should the dogs and cats get all the attention
while these silver servants of mankind are literally
left out in the cold!
      Hope you're ready to give a shopping cart a good
home and that all of your NEWS is good!


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