Blog unless it's to complain about cell phone
screens or talkers. But this one deserves some
attention so I'll give it a shot. (Maybe "shot" is
a bad choice of words here!)
We went to see the movie "Lincoln" yesterday.
Don't let the title fool you! There's not one car
in the whole movie. No Navigators no MKS, no
MKZs! That's OK. I don't know much about
those models anyway.
No this "Lincoln" was about the guy who was
And even though there's no cars this story is
filled with wheeling and dealing!
It was about Republicans vs. Democrats.
Imagine that!
Politics 147 years ago!
If you're looking for an "action flick" this is
not likely to be the film for you.....with some
As for acting, this cast is among the best you'll
ever see!
Daniel Day-Lewis does such a good job as
President Lincoln you'd swear Booth missed
and Abe has just been in hiding till now!
Most of the plot revolves around the 13th
amendment to the United States Constitution.
I know you've probably got that memorized
so there's no need to remind you it's the one
that abolished slavery or involuntary servitude
in our country.
Homework for kids and "To-Do-Lists" drafted
by wives are, of course, exceptions to that law.
Abolition of those would require an entirely
new amendment and I'm not sure Republicans
and Democrats would be willing to agree on
the language necessary to draft such legislation.
Anyhow, if you've got some time on your
hands you might want to jump into your Lincoln,
or whatever you're driving, and head to your
local theater to see this historic movie. I assume
it's not playing at Ford's Theater.
If nothing else you'll be reminded of how
little things in Washington have changed over the
past century or so!
It's a little long so you'll probably need at least
a medium sized popcorn!
Hope you enjoy the show and that all you
NEWS is good!

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