OK. Look. I know New Year's Eve and New Year's Day
are big deals! I also realize some of you are still enjoying
your Christmas holiday as the new year is about to begin.
But I'm here today to make a case for another one of
those "unofficial holidays" that gets far too little recognition.
And it's today!!!!!!
December 30th, just in case you didn't know, is the..........
Festival of Enormous Changes at the Last Minute!
While that may be a mouthful and a bit big for a Tee Shirt, this holiday seemsto be for those who think New Year's resolutions are supposed to be put into action
2 days before the New Year actually begins. That, of course, would give you a
head start on some of those well intentioned changes you'd like to make for
your life in 2013.
You know. Things like getting more exercise, losing a few pounds, perhaps
making sure you're always on time for appointments
I'm beginning to understand why this "holiday" may not be the most
But it is, after all, a "Festival Day" so if you're celebrating by starting your
diet or exercise program today....more power to you!
Most of us, however, will be just over here enjoying our last gym-free,
fatty food eating days.
Hope it all works out for you and that all your NEWS is good!

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