I think I found it!!!! I think I found Car 54!
For those of you who weren't around back in
1961, or just don't remember,"Car 54 Where Are You?"
was the title of a popular and hilarious TV police
sitcom. It featured stories about fictional police officers
Gunther Toody and Francis Muldoon in the Bronx
assigned to Patrol Car 54.
I was driving through Jenkins Township when I
spotted a cruiser parked near the Masonic Lodge
along Main Street.
I suspect everybody else saw it too because it's
about the only time I've ever seen motorists driving
under the posted 30 mph speed limit along that
stretch of roadway!
Now I'm not really sure this particular Patrol Car
was # 54. I didn't see Officer Toody or Muldoon. In
fact, come to think of it, I didn't see any officer at all!
The vehicle, parked as though it might be checking
for speeders, looked as though it was ready to spring
into a pursuit....except for the fact there was no one
around to drive it!
Unlike the old sitcom it was the officer, rather than
the car, whose whereabouts was in question!
Then I suddenly remembered seeing the same car,
or a reasonable facsimile, parked in two other
locations in Jenkins Township over the past month or
Seems like it may be a spare vehicle that's being
strategically placed in various spots to give the
impression the police are there..watching and encouraging
motorists to drive safely.
It also seems like a good idea. Officer or not, people
see the cruiser and most slow down!
And, who knows, maybe the officer who parked the
car is walking back to the station. That, at least once in
awhile, puts a cop on "the beat!"
Just hope they don't need it too quickly for a road
block or the like!
Hope they remember where they parked it this
week and that all your NEWS is good!

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