Imagine Christmas about 169 years ago!
No block buster movies in theaters or on
TV! No Walmarts or Kmarts to shop for
gifts. Electric Christmas tree lights were
still 37 years off!
But there was something new!
And it showed up this week in 1843!
It was a novella by a fellow named
Charles Dickens. It was titled....."A
Christmas Carol!"
It's been one of my favorite stories for
many years! When I was just a kid my Mom,
Dad, and brother used to gather round our
combination radio/phonograph and listen
to the famous actor Lionel Barrymore read
Dickson's story on a set of 78rpm records
every Christmas Eve. That was our family
tradition. I always got a little scared at the
thought of ghosts showing up! Come to
think of it I'm still not big on ghosts!
The story of Scrooge and his encounter
with four ghosts (don't forget his former
partner Jacob Marley) has been retold many
times. On just one night this week I've seen
George C. Scott, Jim Carey, and Mr. Magoo
all play the part of Ebenezer Scrooge. I'm not
sure how Mr. Dickens would have felt about
that cast of leading men. But there were plenty
of others from whom to choose!
There have been at least 21 movies, 25
television adaptions, and more than a dozen
radio versions of the story! And I've seen or
heard most of them. When you get to the
point where you can finish the line before
the actor you may have seen a few too many
The term "Scrooge" has become
synonymous with a stingy, mean, uncaring
person. But that's actually unfair! If you
remember the whole story Ebenezer ends up
"as good a friend, as good a master, and as
good a man as the good old city had ever
Kind of suggests there's hope for all of
us! Of course there's a few people out there
who may have to spend some time with a few
ghosts before they get the message! You
probably know a couple of them!
Hope your "spirits" are high and that
all your NEWS is good!

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