If there's any doubt that Christmas magic
exists it would surely be dispelled for anyone
who might glance into our mobile home on
Christmas Eve.
It is the one evening during the year when
all of our family gets together...here.
This year our immediate family has grown
to a Baker's dozen. It's a large number for
a small living room. But it makes the evening
all that more cozy!
The real trick is when the gifts come out!
I suspect we generate enough wrapping
paper waste to enclose a small cabin!
Making your way through the discarded
paper, bows, ribbons, and kid's presents, which
seem to obscure the actual floor from view, is
a little line negotiating a mine field!
After the kids open their gifts from Grandpa
and Grannie, uncles, aunts, and cousins, the
adults revel their "Secret Santa" and exchange
their own presents.
I like that part best. Probably because I
always get what I ask for...something neat!
There's food enough for four times our
number. But we'll reheat some today when
my wife and I visit our daughter's house.
We could have moved our Christmas Eve
celebration to one of the kid's home too. But I
can't see us ever doing that....no matter how big
the entourage gets. Our place may be small....but
it's always "home!" Mine field or not!
On Christmas morning my wife and I
exchange our own gifts,,,,and try to dispose of
the wrappings as neatly as possible.
The kid's toys are all gone, each taken to
their own home. But that's no problem! I've
got a new remote control helicopter to play
with and I need the room!
Hope your Christmas is sensational,
that you've got family and wrapping paper
around, and that all your NEWS is good!
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