They say "one man's trash is another man's
Unfortunately, over the years, some of my
"trash" disappeared. Similar "trash" is now
regarded by some to be "treasure."
I came to this conclusion after my wife
and her friend talked me and my buddy into
visiting an area Antique Shop.
I should be surprised at the women's
interest here. After all...aren't they the ones
who usually want to "clean house" and toss
things out?
You know you're going to see a lot of old
things in a shop like this. But you may be
surprised when you look around and realize
you probably used to have half of the things
you're looking at!
Like the Comic books!
I used to buy at least one comic book a
week when I was a kid. Each cost a dime.
Now I find myself looking at copies of
"Archie" selling for two dollars each! And
some are more expensive! Guess that's why
some call them "Funny Books!"
Who hasn't owned a version of the game
"Battleship" at one time or another? Hey, half
the people my age claim to have invented the
game years ago. Anyhow...there it is...selling
for way more than the original price! Especially
if it's in an original box!
And talk about going from trash to treasure.
Back when I was a kid Lionel Trains were
the favorite. Admittedly there were a few who
favored the American Flyer Line.
But nobody, at least nobody I knew, longed
for a Marx Train. They were made of tin and
didn't have all the features of the more popular
brands. I got one anyway, somewhere along the
line, and parked it on a siding near my "main
Now the Marx is very rare so, all of a sudden
it's the valuable train. And mine is still lost somewhere
on that siding!
There's a lesson in all this! Are you listening
ladies? Never throw anything out! Keep it long enough
and it gets valuable. Guess that's why my wife hasn't
tossed me........yet.
Hope your trash turns into treasure and that all
your NEWS is good!

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