Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Getting The Boot!

    Regular readers of my daily Blog will
undoubtedly remember my essay on the
demise of my Wolverines. The boots I
wore for "bad weather walking."
     Like the tire carcass you occasionally
spot along the Interstate, the rubber
tread on my usually dependable foot ware
has been disintegrating leaving a trail
of small black dots throughout the house.
     My wife suggested, encouraged, then
finally instructed me to go and buy a new
pair. So, off I went on my mission.
      Now boots, like any other bit of
wearing apparel, come in various sizes.
So the first thing you've got to do is find
a pair in a style you like and find your
      Of course when you only buy
once a decade there is a chance that you
particular size has changed.
      I've found, in my extensive experience,
that the style you like will either not be
available in your size or the box with the
appropriate size will be hidden somewhere
among the hundred or so available boxes
staring you right in the face.
     Eventually I was able to locate several
variations of style and size that might fit
my needs. And, of course, my feet!
     I began the process of trying them on
and learned several things.
     First, there was a small hole in the sock
on my right foot.
     I then learned that some manufactures
find it necessary, for some unknown reason,
to put tightly rolled rolls of paper inside
their boots. You will discover which as you
attempt to insert your foot inside to see if the
size is correct.
     You are next introduced to the reality that
once removed from their box the boots
cannot be reinserted in the same exact way in
which they were packed! I really tried!
      Anyway, in the end, I was successful and
am the proud new owner of a spiffy pair of
Herman Survivor Boots! The brand "Survivor"
seemed especially appropriate to me after
this venture into the Men's Foot ware Department!
      And, by the way, my wife informs me my
Wolverines will "live again" as some sort of
Planters in our yard. Hey, she won't even need
top soil!
      Hope I can find my shoehorn, and that all
your NEWS is good!

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