It's funny...the things you notice and think about
when you're out for a morning walk with temperatures
hovering around 28 degrees and a chilly breeze
smacking you in the face.
My hope of getting people to prolong holiday
celebrations at least till "Russian" or "Orthodox
Christmas" may or may not be realistic. There are
still plenty of beautifully decorated houses to be
Still, more and more discarded Christmas trees
are beginning to show up along the curb line.
It's the other thing I noticed that has me puzzled.
The snow that's piled up in all the yards had me
remembering the days, many years ago, when my
brother and I use to take winter on head to head!
Six inches of snow or more created the
opportunity for both entertainment and industry!
Neighbors were always happy to see us when we
showed up, shovels in hand, wondering if they might
be interested in having their sidewalk shoveled. It was
easy to pick up a couple bucks quickly! I don't know
if there was a minimum wage back then. But whether
there was or not two dollars could buy a lot of candy,
ice cream and a heck of a lot of ten cent comic books.
Judging from the condition of a few of the sidewalks
I negotiated during my stroll I would have to believe
children in that neighborhood were otherwise
occupied or already gainfully employed when the
snow was falling. Too many spots had gone uncleaned.
But, hey, kids are kids. And they should be. Snow,
for kids, should be fun, You know. Snowballs. Snow
forts. Snowmen!
Maybe I just picked the wrong neighborhood. Maybe
all the "kids" around this place are in college now. Or,
maybe, they just don't play outside anymore!?
I finally came across one beautifully sculptured
Snowman and I just had to smile! Someone had
actually taken the time to enjoy being out in the snow!
What a relief! Maybe there's still hope.
In fact, in another yard not too far away, I found the
remnants of another snow carving...perhaps a fort,
partly dismantled. It may have been the scene of a great
snowball battle. I hope so!
I also came across an inflatable snow "sled." It's in a
yard waiting for it's owner to return to use the snow and
ice the way a child should!
I'm hoping more of them will come out to play, and
that all of your NEWS is good!

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