Everybody talks about the weather. But does
anybody know what they're talking about?
Yesterday's forecast, depending on where you
read it, heard it, or saw it, generally called for
cloudy sky's with a chance of snow flurries.
The little icon I saw on the forecast I checked
showed a dark little cloud with the sun just
peaking out behind. Kind of neat. You figure
a few dark clouds and, at any minute, rays of
sunshine busting through! And, yes, maybe a
couple of flurries here or there. In fact there
was a 10% chance of precipitation.
I saw a couple of the flurries mentioned as
I drove home from Scranton. I wondered if they
were the 10% in the forecast! I thought that little
bit of sunshine was just waiting for the right
moment to make an appearance. But it never
That little slice of sunshine must have seen
the flurries too and decided to stay hidden
behind the cloud. Maybe it saw what was
coming! I would have stayed hidden too!
I think whoever drew the icon would want to
Two to three hours later the "flurries" had
piled up about an inch or two and radio reports
were laundry listing accidents all over the area!
It's not easy to predict the weather around
these parts. And I'm always surprised at how
predictions vary from one news outlet to the
other. That's because the basic information comes
from the National Weather Service and it gives
everybody the same information!
Ironically one of the most accurate forecasts
I see comes from a friend on Passbook who calls
himself "Weather Bob." He has been pretty much
right on so far this season. And he doesn't draw
little black clouds!
I'll be checking his forecast next time I'm
thinking of heading out when there's a 10% chance
of precipitation!
Hope the sun peaks out for you and that all
your NEWS is good!

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