I don't know if I've "seen it all." But, as of yesterday
I know I've come close!
I've been turning in to PCN, the Pennsylvania Cable
Network, a lot this week to see what's been going on at
the State Farm Show. Agriculture is still the state's
biggest industry and the Farm Show is the largest of its
kind in the country!
They were judging cattle when I tuned in yesterday.
But it wasn't the cows that caught my eye. It was a
former colleague of mine! And he's not a farmer! He's
a State Legislator!
I'll aways know him as Sid Michales. Most people
probably always thought that was his name. But, when
he decided to run for office he was forced to use his
full legal name......Sid Michaels Kavulich!
Sid was a sportscaster at WYOU while also working
Public Relations for the Senate Democratic News
Service. He covered all kinds of sports. But, unless he
covered the Benton Rodeo, I don't think he ever got
very close to a cow!
There's very little interaction with livestock at his
desk in the State House of Representatives.
But there he was, leading a cow round the ring at
the Farm Show, waiting for the judge to make his
decision. Of course that's better than having a
legislator lead around on a leash. Right?
Well, as it turns out, all of those leading the animals
were either State Representatives or State Senators!
They volunteered to shed their suits for blue jeans
as a show of support for the state's farming community!
It was neat to watch their expressions as they held
on tight to make sure they stayed in the ring! The one
Sid was leading bucked its head a couple of times and
I had to wonder what Sid was thinking about then?
I think is was a good idea.
Our elected leaders should learn how to take the bull
by the horns. Many could also use a good lesson in
watching where they step!
Hope a few good seeds got planted in their thought
process....and that all your NEWS is good!

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