Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Hitting The Shower!

    I have found myself confronted with
a "lose/lose" situation.
    I try to get in a two mile walk most
mornings after which I hit the shower.
But here's the thing. My home shower
delivers nothing but hot water!
    You turn the valve in the direction
that should lead you towards "Cold"
in the hope you be able to stop it at
just the right blend of hot and cold
to make the water feel comfortable.
    But somewhere deep inside our
plumbing a gremlin must be saying
"let's get this guy" at which point he
diverts most of the cold water to
some unknown place.
    It's not so bad in the winter.
    You come in from a walk through
30  degree temperatures and, perhaps,
some snow. That's when my shower
feels pretty good.
    But in case you haven't noticed
outside temperatures have been ranging
between 80 and 90 over the past few
mornings. It's tough to come into a
stream of water that seems as hot as the
outside air!
    Not one to let things get the best of
me I followed yesterday morning's
walk with a trip to our camper where
I also got some yard work exercise in.
   I figured the shower there, though
somewhat small, would offer a perfect
blend of hot and cold water and a
soothing start to my "non work" part
of the day.
    And it probably would have.....had
I remembered to fire up the water
     Instead I stood, unprepared, under
a steady and sudden stream of water
that seemed to be piped directly in the
shower head from some glacier in
British Columbia!
     Perhaps you heard the scream!?
     People nearby must have thought
Norman Bates was paying a visit!
     Oh well, hot or cold, at least I'm
     Hope you have a better way to cool
off and that all your NEWS is good!

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