Sunday, July 28, 2013

Rain, Rain, Go Away!


     Yesterday's weather forecast was dismal at
best! It was with some trepidation, then, that we
set out after church for my grand daughter's
Tumbling Team picnic at Knoebel's!
      There's something not very amusing about
rain at an Amusement Park!
       We arrived at the appointed pavilion a little
early. The pizza arrived a little late.
        That gave us a chance to eat it and the 40
or so extra sweet treats parents brought along
to make sure the kids would have enough energy
to handle all the rides.
         It also gave us a chance to be under cover
when the downpour hit! As I watched the deluge
I thought about that old rhyme, "Rain, Rain, Go
Away." I'm sure it was in the mind of all the
children who have heard or recited it.
        And what do you know? Just about the time
the last piece of fudge or spoonful of "Pink Fluff"
was being consumed.....the sun came out! And
there, in spite of the weather forecasts, it stayed
throughout the entire afternoon!
         Now since most people read or listened to
those "day long rain" reports, or saw some of the
30 minute downpour, they stayed away. That made
for much shorter lines so the kids could quickly
board those terrifying rides that, God willing, I
shall never have to endure! They tell me they're
so much fun. But the riders continue to scream!
       I did eventually share the front seat to a
small power boat with my grandson at the wheel.
I did not scream (though I was tempted as our
bow and stern alternately whacked the channel
      In the end I do not believe it was mistaken
weathermen, or a childhood chant that made for
a sunny afternoon. It was, undoubtedly, my foresight
in bringing two large "golf" umbrellas to carry
all day. When you're that prepared, rain doesn't
stand a chance!
      Hope you had a sunny day and that all your
NEWS is good!



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