I guess my grand kids hear a lot from me
about how things were "back in the day."
That's why I like to take them to Sunset
Beach during our visit to the shore each year.
There's so much to see there. And, in one
case, so little!
I remember when my Dad and Mom first
took me there many, many years ago and told
me about the Atlantis.
During World War I somebody came up
with the idea of making cargo ships out of
concrete. Sounds like something I might
think up. But I wasn't around then!
They actually floated. But they were very
slow! Gee,,,Pendot works with concrete too
doesn't it!?
Any how, years later they were taking one
of these ships to Cape May with the intention
of sinking it to make a breakwater for the Cape
May Ferry Boat. It was the Atlantis.
Well as luck would have it, bad luck at the
time, the vessel broke loose during a storm and
floated to the nearby Sunset Beach where it
was grounded. They tried to move it. But that
was like trying to move a New York City
Hotel with a John Deer!
When I first saw the wreck it still had the
form of a ship. But years of sea and storm
gradually ate away at the concrete and it's
been deteriorating more and more every season.
I guess I realized just how much yesterday
when we visited and my grandson observed...
"I guess there will be nothing left when I bring
my grand kids here."
I suppose he's right. But I hope he brings
them just the same....shows them the old photos,
and tells them the story of the Atlantis.
I hope he remembers to tell them the concrete
ship wasn't my idea! I actually had the idea
for the concrete airplane. But that idea never
got off the ground. Sorry.
Hope you're giving the younger generation
information about the "good old days" and that
all of your NEWS is good!

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