Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Discovering America!

      Well our company has finally left after
Sunday's family reunion.
      Three of my wife's siblings have returned
to Florida, one to New Jersey, two others are
"local" and the one from Hawaii is wandering
around somewhere between here and New
England discovering America and, probably
still searching for the country's best pizza.
      Today we celebrate another person who did
his American discovering a long time ago. And
we can be pretty sure he wasn't looking for
       No! I'm not talking about Christopher
Columbus! He'll get his day next Monday!
       But today is "Leif Erikson Day!" It was
declared so by Congress back when it was
working in 1964!
      Old Leif took off from Greenland back in
1002AD and sailed for North America. He was
looking for land that had been spotted by some
unknown Norse Sea Captain.
      The big difference between Columbus and
Erikson, aside from some 490 years, is that the
Italian documented his "discovery." Maybe Leif
didn't bring a pencil and paper?
      You could give either credit for discovering
America if, of course, you ignore the fact that
both ran into Indians (Native Americans) when they
got here. And nobody knows, or is saying, which
Native American found the the first place!
      But today is Leif's Day so get out there and
celebrate with some seal soup or reindeer. If you
can't find any of that I suppose a 5 Guys burger
will do.
      Hope you'll discover some way to enjoy the day
and that all your NEWS is good!

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