I know it's just a matter of days till we'll
only find "room temperatures" inside rooms.
But when I saw the sun in the sky
yesterday and felt the warmth of its rays on my
face the top came down and my wife and I were
out the door looking for roads seldom traveled
not too very far from home. Just over the river
and through the woods if you know what I mean.
That's a tall order for me! After years of
News coverage throughout northeastern and
central Pennsylvania there's very few roads I
haven't been on at one time or another.
Still, if I seen a turn that doesn't look familiar,
I'll probably take it to see where it leads.
Just such a turn yesterday, and a couple
others beyond that, lead me to a lake I had either
never seen or long since erased in my memory. It
was one of those lakes just off the "main", though
definitely a back road, with its own access lane
carefully marked "Private Road."
There's nothing I like better than a private
road sign next to another that reads "House For
Sale." I mean, seriously, you must check out the
house just in case you like it and want to make an
offer. Right?
So we slowly made our way along the
private road, checked out the lake, and the scenery
and, oh yes, glanced at the home with the Real
Estate "For Sale" sign planted in the front yard. It
looked a bit too rich for my blood. But since there
was no easy turn around spot we were forced to
drive the remainder of the road till we were able
to make a "U" turn and make our way back. There
were a lot of beautiful sights along that lane! A
few miles and turns later we found ourselves at a
road we knew well and headed back home with the
memory of some beautiful scenery and a another
back road adventure in the books!
All too soon the top will have to stay up.
But that won't hold us back! After all, once those
leaves are down we'll be able to glance deeper
into the woods......and who knows what we'll see
Hope you're looking for all the neat things
around these parts and that all your NEWS is good!
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