Saturday, August 9, 2014

You Never Know Where You're Going Till You Get There!

   Great day yesterday! So, with plenty of time
on our hands, and # 69 Sunscreen on my face
we put the top down in the Miata and headed
for parts unknown.
    I say "unknown" because when asked where
she might like to go my wife rattled off various
spots in different directions where we could go.
    I already knew each of them. I had been
trying to see if she had a preference. Having
none I turned right near our mailboxes onto
what we general call "the back road."
    It's a nice country drive up a rather steep
and winding road. Perfect for a sports car.
    I had planted a general course and
destination in my mind only to find a "Road
Closed" sign not long after we reached the top
of our mountain climb.
    I backtracked just a bit, found another
road and, within a half hour ,found myself
going in a direction completely opposite to
the one I had envisioned.
    After a very pleasant drive we found
ourselves at one of our favorite spots. One
we haven't been to lately. Even though that
"Road Closed" sign was so very far away.....
perhaps it had sent us here.
      We were in an area in Columbia County
known as Forks and at what has come to be
known as "The Twin Covered Bridges." They're
not really twins but since they were built back
to back they acquired that name.
      It's so great to see these historic 150 plus
year-old spans so well preserved by the
County. Of course they've been rebuilt a time
or two after devastating floods. But they're
still here, built over a small creek and with
a picnic tables both on the bridges and in a
small park along side!
     Since we had driven that far into our own
past we sought out a small local restaurant
we haven't visited in many years. Like the
bridges it was still there and was offering
some great specials we could not ignore.
     We were just about finished when we
head one of those clichés you get every so
often...."Imagine seeing you here."
      It was a couple who had traveled with
us on the first tour we hosted back in 2006
to British Columbia! It is a "small world."
      Just think of all we would have missed
had that first road been open!
      You never know where you're going
till you get there!
      Hope you enjoy the journey and that all
your NEWS is good!

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