Monday, November 17, 2014


   We topped off a busy day yesterday by
taking a little off the top!
    My grandson and I were both in need
of a haircut. So, my wife got out the
haircut kit and set up shop at my daughter's
    You've got to hand it to her! Cutting my
grandson's hair is a little like trying to sheer
a sheep. Except, the sheep doesn't usually
offer an opinion on styling techniques!
    My grandson does!
    After every few passes with the scissors
he'd want to look in the mirror and offer
his "constructive criticism."
    "Cut this part here, see? Where I'm
holding." "Take some more off there."
     He apparently had a "look" or "style"
in mind before the process ever got started.
     He did offer to do it himself. But wiser
heads prevailed after visions of post Apache
massacres entered our minds!
     Those attacks were also brought to mind
as he reacted with yelps to what he insisted
was the intentional use of dull scissors in
the trimming process.
      My turn followed.
      I sat still and said nothing. An old saying
came to my mind. "A closed mouth gathers
no feet"....or bad hair cuts!
      Hope my neck doesn't itch too much and
that all your NEWS is good!         

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