Thursday, June 4, 2015

D Day Delights!

         FRIDAY, JUNE 5TH.

         D DAY DELIGHTS!

    June 6th will forever be know for the
day Allied forces stormed the beaches
in France during World War II. It's
'D Day."
    But June 5th has also become know
as D Day!  It's National Donut Day!
    It was established in 1938 by the Chicago
Salvation Army to raise money during
the Great Depression, and to honor the
work of World War I Salvation Army
volunteers who prepared doughnuts
and other foods for thousands of soldiers.
    That's where the term "Doughboy"
became popular.
     I believe there's more Doughboys
(and girls) now than ever before! We've
had two Dunken Donut shops open in
our area within the past month. And
the chain seems to be ever growing. As
are the customers (in one way or another!)
     Some Donut shops offer free donuts
on this day. That could be worth a quick
trip back to Hawaii where we found those
delicious (and huge) Malasadas! Donuts
filled with your choice of goodies like
cream, or apple, or chocolate or such!
     So here's a salute to the donut, the
Salvation Army, and anybody who's
providing the treats free today!
      Hope you get yours so all your NEWS
will be good!


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