Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Is There A Doctor In The House?



    I've made my contributions to the
Medical community this week. But
I was happy to do so!
    Thanks to a cancelled appointment
my Podiatrist was able to see me and
my sore foot a day ahead of expected!
    The diagnosis, Capsulitis, an
inflammation of the ligaments in my
toe. My old buddy Frank Andrews
suggested I call a Tow truck!
   The doctor decided a shot of
cortisone might be a better approach.
    The foot, though still very
sensitive, was a lot better yesterday
when I limped into my Family
Doctor's office for my 6 month,
10,000 mile check up.
    He, like many of you, believe my
occasional foot problems are a
result of the Gout. I'll be getting
some tests in a couple of weeks
that should tell the tale one way
or another.
    Then there's my Cholesterol
levels. Seems there's good and
bad cholesterol. I've got some of
both. The Doc says there's just a
little bit too much of the bad
    I told him about a recent
article suggesting that eating
kielbasa was a good treatment.
I don't think he believed me!
    Come to think of it maybe
the article just said something
about kielbasa tasting good. I
thought it was worth a try!
    Anyhow I limped away from
the appointment with three sets
of tests I've got to have done.
     I thought I was done with
tests after High School!
     Hope I pass.....so that all
of my NEWS is good!

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