Thursday, June 11, 2015

They Shoot Horses... Don't They?


 They Shoot Horses....Don't They?

    No. I'm not talking about my two
sore feet. In this case I'm talking
about my favorite horses.
    They are, or at least they were, in
the tiny engine that powered my little
     Two weeks or so ago I noticed
that engine overheating while we
were returning from a day trip. I
nursed it home and then to a local
garage where mechanics flushed the
radiator and put in a new thermostat.
    Two days later, while on another
ride, the temperature gauge began
to climb again! Nursing it home that
time took several more "cool off"
stops. My temperature was pretty
hot by then too!
    The call I got yesterday basically
told me the "patient" was in bad
shape and may need a transplant to
    I'd say "Go ahead" in a second if
I thought my Health Insurance
Company would accept my joy ride
as......... "my baby." I'm thinking that
could be a tough sell.
    I know I haven't been able to claim
it as a dependent on my income tax.
    My best bet may be a Donor. Except
I'm not quite sure there's anyone out
there willing to actually "donate" the
parts that will be required.
   Anyhow it's in the hands of a
specialist right now to explore
possibilities. And, by the way, I drove
it there so I don't think we'll have to
shoot it!
    Hope I can drive it away as well
and that all your NEWS is good.

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