Sunday, April 19, 2015

Down On The Farm!

         MONDAY, ARPIL 20TH

    I found myself under the Bamboo tree
on Sunday. If fact, I found myself under
all kinds of trees.
    A friend invited us to see his farm here
on the Big Island and we took a walking
tour of a forest filled with Bamboo trees
and others bearing various types of fruit.
    The farm is set high atop a hill and,
in the clearings between the trees you
get an excellent view of the Pacific.
     There were bananas, tangerines,
grapefruit, and various other species.
     And then there were the mosquitoes!
     I suspect they were hovering in some
kind of formation just above the treetops
as we started our inspection.
     I can almost hear them.
     "Red leader to squadron. Pennsylvania
guy in shorts and with short sleeves. Three 
o'clock low. Let's get him!"
     There was a Golden Retriever walking
along with us. You would have thought he'd
head off the incoming bites. But no. I was
the target and they zeroed in.
     No one else seemed to get bitten.
     I suppose the insects were happy and
filled with my blood.
     I bravely completed our tour then went
inside where my wife sought out a bottle
of something containing Ammonia to
relieve the immediate itch.
     I suddenly remembered why I gather
all of my fruits in a grocery store back
     Hope I remember the bug spray next
time and that all your NEWS is good!



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